A Red Cross survey showed a staggering 59% of deaths from injuries would have been preventable had first aid been given before the emergency services arrived.
Would you like to help in an emergency?
Become a First Aider – contact us today!

First Aid Training in Frome, Somerset
At First Medic (based in Frome, Somerset) we deliver First Aid training courses in line with the requirements of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), as approved by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981.
Our first aid courses are officially recognised by the Health and Safety Executive. These are the following:
- First Aid at Work (3-day course), is suitable for medium and higher risk environments
- Emergency First Aid at Work (1-day course), suitable for lower risk environments.
Note that employers are responsible their own risk assessment and selecting which course is appropriate for them in their own workplace
In addition, First Medic also offer a 4-hour Basic Life Support course for those who do not require a full course but who would like to possess some of the basic skills and knowledge for use in an emergency situation.
First Aid at Work is our most comprehensive first aid training course. It is delivered over 3 days (18 hours), and will qualify you to deliver First Aid at Work. This complies with the legal requirement for employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work.
The First Aid at Work course is designed chiefly for workplaces in medium to high risk environment.
We can also deliver this course in the blended learning format, which involves an online study course of 6 hours. This online part comes complete with progress checks tests and a final exam, followed by 2 days in the classroom (12 hours).
Click below for more information about the course.
The Emergency First Aid at Work course takes one day (6 hours). It is designed to qualify you as an Emergency First Aider at Work. This is similar to the three-day First Aid at Work course, with the exception of some injuries and illnesses which are not covered. Examples of these include poisoning, suspected spinal injuries, anaphylactic shock, or diabetes. As such, it is considered to be suitable for employers operating in a lower risk environment.
Employers are responsible their own risk assessment and selecting which course is appropriate for them in their own workplace.
Click below for more information or to enquire about the course.
The Basic Life Support is the only course not officially recognised by the Health and Safety Executive, but the training is to the same standard, only it covers fewer elements than the other two courses. It is a popular course aimed at any member of the public or organisation; it is designed so that any person can learn basic emergency life-saving skills which could be of use in a potential life-threatening emergency. These include Sudden Cardiac Arrest, severe bleeding, and choking. The Basic Life Support training course duration is only 4 hours, and it includes plenty of hands-on practise to make students feel confident in being able to apply those skills in a live situation. The use of the Automatic External Defibrillator is also taught.
Click below for more information or to enquire about the course.
First Aid Training Refreshers and requalifications
As with all disciplines, skills fade over time. First Medic recognise this, so we offer a series of training courses designed to maintain those skills current and ensure that our customers remain confident about how to apply their skills.
The diagram below shows the sequence of training and refresher training according to the Health and Safety Executive.
This consists of two annual refreshers followed by a requalification. In the case of the First Aid at Work the requalification takes 2 days (12 hours). For the Emergency First Aid at Work the requalification is a repeat of the initial one day (6 hour) course.
The annual refreshers only take a half day (3 hours) for both qualifications.
We offer all refresher and requalification courses as well.